
Sarah Morris

All Systems Fail

Kunstmuseen Krefeld
Leap Image

Sarah Morris, Midtown - Viacom [Times Square Reflection], 1998, Lacquer on canvas, 214 x 214 cm, © Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris, Midtown - Viacom [Times Square Reflection], 1998, Lacquer on canvas, 214 x 214 cm, © Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris, Strange Magic, 2014 (Filmstill), HD Digital Film, 45:08 min, © Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris, Strange Magic, 2014 (Filmstill), HD Digital Film, 45:08 min, © Sarah Morris

“All Systems Fail” by Sarah Morris will present over 30 years of her work at a key site of European modernism. For decades, Sarah Morris has been exploring the aftermath of the ideas of modern architects and designers, and Mies van der Rohe in particular, in abstracted paintings, films and prints. The exhibition in the architect’s built visions of a new life is a mid-career survey show that takes a closer look at Morris’s artistic engagement with (urban) architecture and the traces of modernism in the present. As part of the cooperation, key works not previously shown in Europe will be on display. Morris is also keen to produce site-specific works for the Krefeld venue. For the exhibition, she is working on a large window installation in Mies’s famous horizontal windows and on a poster with the renowned design studio M/M Paris. Site-specific murals are also planned, as well as a silk scarf edition. Morris’s city portraits touch on key areas of sustainability, such as infrastructures, industry, digitality, commerce and social climate.